『TIME IS ON MY SIDE』がぴあフィルムフェスティバル入選、『JAM』が水戸短編映画祭審査員奨励賞を受賞するなど、数々の実績を残した福島監督は、2001年に『PRISM』で鮮烈なメジャーデビュー。以来、監督として「とんでもない天才」「異才」「インディーズ映画界の重鎮」と評される。
福島は、90年代から20年以上にわたり「都市と記憶」「現実と非現実」などをテーマに撮影を続け、インディペンデント映画界で高い評価を得ている。2016年には特集上映『ESCAPE FROM THIS FUCKIN WORLD』を開催し、ドイツで世界初公開された短編映画『LEGACY TIME』では、代表作15本が上映された。
主演は、ラジオドラマ「NISSAN BEYOND THE AVERAGE」で人気を博し、つかこうへい脚本の舞台への出演でも評価を得ている稲村あずさ。福島監督の前作「LEACY TIME」で好演し、本作でも主演に抜擢。パラレルワールドを行き来する難役を熱演した。共演は福島作品の常連俳優・高橋卓郎。脇役には、日本映画には欠かせない俳優陣の川瀬陽太と草野康太。ロックバンド「ザ・ジョンズ・ゲリラ」のボーカル・今村玲於も重要な役どころで出演している。
これはサイエンス フィクションであると同時に、哲学的でまったく予想外の物語でもあります。この物語は「真実の愛とは何か?」という疑問を投げかけます。この映画は間違いなく面白く、他に類を見ない作品です。

Takuya Fukushima
Born on September 19, 1972
a member of Directors Guild of Japan
Takuya Fukushima has been releasing numerous video works since 1992, when he was studying at the department of literature at Nagoya University. After working under Gakuryu Ishii (aka: Sogo Ishii), he established P-kraft which has been the base of his activities thereafter.
Fukushima directs TV programs, commercials, PVs and he is also highly rated as a film director both in Japan and overseas. His first film PRISM marked a record high of visitors at the theater where the film was released. OUR BRIEF ETERNITY was officially screened at film festivals around the world starting with Tokyo International Film Festival, then later being released in theaters throughout Japan. In 2016, a special screening titled ESCAPE FROM THIS FUCKING WORLD/TAKUYA FUKUSHIMA’S COLLECTION was held to commemorate the release of his latest film LEGACY TIME which was highly acclaimed.
The newest film ‘MODERN LOVE’ got prize in Nice International Film Festival, Japan Film Fest Hamburg and Madrid International Film Festival.
He is also actively working as a producer, actor, writer, musician, radio personality and an all-round creator.
1997 “TIME IS ON MY SIDE”(Director, screenwriter, music and actor)Pia Film Festival
1999 “Be with you at the end of the world”(director and screenwriter)Michinoku International Mystery Film Festival etc.
“JAM”(director, screenwriter and main actor)Mito Short Film Festival(Jury Prize) etc.
2001 “PRISM”(director and screenwriter / theatrical film)Souel International Queer Film Festival, Japan-Nordic New Cinema Festival etc.
2003 “Freedom”(director, screenwriter and main actor / theatrical film)Thai Short Film Festival etc.2004 “the point(2,8,16)”(director and screenwriter / theatrical film)Thai Short Film Festival, Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival etc.
2005 “Cross The Lens”(director and cinematographer / theatrical film)
2006 “days of”(producer, director and screenwriter / theatrical film as an omnibus “over8”)
2007 “Naked over8”(associate producer / theatrical film)
2008 “Girl-Girl over8”(executive producer / theatrical film)
2009 “OUR BRIEF ETERNITY”(director, screenwriter, producer and actor / theatrical film)Tokyo International Film Festival etc.
2012 “Gorgeous Princess!”(director / theatrical film as an omnibus “Virgin”)Camera Japan Film Festival
2013 “SAYONARA BRIEF ETERNITY”(director, screenwriter and cinematographer)Japan-Filmfest Hamburg etc.
2016 “LEGACY TIME”(director, screenwriter and producer / theatrical film)Japan-Filmfest Hamburg etc.